Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

[bazooka] has a minimum range where it can’t (auto) attack. I’m assuming it means we can now hit targets point blank.

probably not, since it says basic atacks only.

hahahahah i LOVED the google translations xD…

but “play that doctor”, given the overloaded kit plague doctors have, google may even be onto something here :thinking:


sucks that daino scales so poorly, i love the battle mage archetype, and i really feel like it is a core component to fight with staffs ( in this case rods+shield) and deal magic dmg… specially for pvp, so i can’t be blocked.

i think i will still roll a krivis on my chapl, cleri 2/ priest 3/ chapl / kirivs 2 / zealot ( for that freaking blink :prince: ), will have 8 seconds downtime on daino ( 6 with divine might, or 4 with gem) so i think it will be ok.

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Hmm maybe, odd that its a c2 attribute tho if thats the case, c3 would have made more sense . But yeah so far that is making the most sense but im hoping that it removes the dmg cap :smiley:

oh? from ktest notes, it only showed a seperate attribute for DT to do more damage to (feared) mobs.

though if the actual effect of fear itself is an increase of damage, do u know if its a flat increase or a multiplier?

bm buff is not removed by mount, so some of his skills can be use while mounted; check kuromuko’s link, the guy is doing BM 1 SR1 build .

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Is this correct for the pd3 skill?

Knockback, knockdown immunity and casting effects are given to you and your party members. Damage to enemies increases by 20%.

Is this basically party [pain barrier] + [surespell] with 50% uptime? Wut?

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If i’m reading it right, Cannoneer C3, SweepingCannon has a AoER of 40 if you use during bazooka mode. Holy guacamole

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Templar C3 skill is TRASH.
30% block damage for 15 sec, really?
counter spell can do that (and better) in a r6 skills

really IMC?

IMC hate templars, they gave it a turret that needs SPR (yes, it is treated as a summoned minion) to deal damage and a move speed buff that gets you so fast that your guildies can’t keep up with your speed


Let’s be honest half of the new skills seems quite lackluster for R9 skills

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desagree about the turret skill and battle orders: they are nice.
battle order buff guildmates so they can run faster too and have a nice slow debuff
the turret can revel people on hide
but this new one is just … useless …

And … Which way does the IMC want the Templars to take? this restriction of only using swords is ridiculous.

From what I understood it’s +30% added to your normal block rate.

A murmillo with ~50% block chance would get ~80% (or is it 50 * 1.3 = 65% block?) with the buff active. For both physical and magical attacks.

It seems very good tbh, just disappointing you have to channel it.

just for murmillo! and counterspell can do a LOT better: remove cc, ground skill and 100% protect whitoud channel it … and is a r6 skill.

Want google translation better than this (Gae Bulg)?


Can anyone properly translate the new Warlock attributes?

Pillar of agony, mastema, dark claws inflict a debuff on enemies which lowers their attack power. Dark surge deals bonus % damage vs these debuffed enemies.

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Ok, this is the “30%” from IMC:

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thanks. Still stuck on picking Warlock or Shadowmancer

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They are nice but they’re both C2-R8 skills yet their power level is set way lower than that.

My complain about both skills isn’t that they’re pointess nor useless it’s just that they were poorly executed, as much as i enjoy Battle Orders it’s fairly unpractical unless you have great coordination with your guildies (also they need to have a good ping to keep up) otherwise you’ll just zoom out of range and due the speed diference they won’t be able to catch up (if only Centurion were available…).

The turret however is useful as a detector (but so far Hunter can do the same at C2-R4) and useless as a damage source, it works exactally as a minion (weap atk and SPR only) unlike diev Owls that are deployment. Thus it’s impractical take it as an offensive tool cause you’ll have to invest on a dead stat (that doesn’t give debuff resistance nor MDef anymore), also the attack speed, push and aimming don’t help it either.

Not to forget that they had the chance to delete Build Guild Tower (that is an useless point sink) and replace it with a new skill but instead they kept it (same for Reduce Craft Time that could be a Hangout feature instead of a skill).

@Non Invasive Area

So it really enables block to work against magic and adds the skill value to the your block chance (or does it increase your block in x%), this is actually not that bad.

No, just block 30% of magic skills … its useless, this guy just get lucky on block