Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL I don’t know if it is very clear. Is it really the monster that will always loose 800 of def or the player will loose? I understood it is the player

I don’t think there are class descrimination. The formula really affects everyone

I think the skill factors sum before the almost end damage. I know that elemental% increase is after the skill factor calculation. @dark_eidous do you know how it works?

The defense is lost by the monster obv

No medzio diena or magic circle break diev3 miko pala3 will be the only support build really… :tired:

Wasn’t it changed to only affect Spiritual Shock?

I hate when korean companies think that when it comes to videogames, difficulty equals to mobs/bosses having 1 billion of HP, skills that oneshot people and high defense. That’s not how it works.

This dungeon won’t solve the end game problem imo


Retiarius decrease 25% defense debuff and can grab the boss to do more damage

This is only great support if you have a magic-based team. If you put this character with shinobi-team builds, it will underperform. Need good party comp to finish dragon raid. You cannot get help from other party unlike at worldboss.

This skill used to amplify all damage. It was nerfed in a patch. It will only boost its own damage up to 3x now. Magic def break debuff is the most useful part of this skill.


Great comments. Considering a wizard party with one healer, it might be a nice game to see :slight_smile:

One important mention I thought. Monarch and Belcoper can have elemental resistance and some sort of buff for that . I think they would do that only if we got many people doing that with Inquisitor Meta Build

As of now, only demon lords. not belcoper.

It would be nice if Shinobi build would just get killed very fast from this boss.
So that non Shinobi cls would have their usage on bosses…

Hope we get to briquette skin from lower lvl weapons too, personally dislike demon/gothic designs. Plunger all the way!


Honestly i see sword more as a tank/support than dps there… Archer/wiz dps seems better.

Yeah I just watch the vid on top.
Doppel/Fencer-nobi will die like flys on this boss.

Maybe my high con 1h spear goon would be more usefull there :3

you just need full equip with 10 trans, but idk what the point, if you have this equip, why farm copper for this leg blanks

I don’t see the point to do anything other than weapon too, the only thing that would require the armor is PvP and well…

Previous post about it here


If you cannot understand, just try to imitate what they’re doing.
Video (in KR) unlock bamboo spear:

and another video (also in KR): here

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Do any1 has an working link to Top Ranking builds in ktos? for some reason i get a java alret and can not open the link from the site …