Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

afaik nobody has them or other items from it yet, so we can not know

Nice, that’s what I’ve wanted to see since retiari was released. Wonder if that’s the optimal build for pvp retiari, Sword3-Pelt1-Corsair2-Shinobi-Retiari2?

I like how it looks. Aside from that, I’d like if imc nerfed froster lord for pvp, it looks oppressive.

Runecaster better for monarch boss. Defence break is high value. Summons die too fast at monarch boss. Take sorc1 if you like to PvE mob.

Kabba3 is a very popular PvP build. Priest2 bokor3 kabba3 all purpose build support cleric build for PvE, boss, TBL. Revive and level 15 hexing magic break are useful. Of course you could use it to farm, just use damballah a lot.
Some players change it to priest2 bokor2 cleric2 specifically for TBL. This build is higher heal and worse at farming solo.

@Alyu_aint_short cannot know yet, no tests yet.

@Nalu1 Have seen murmillo1-retiari1 version builds do well too. Murmillo helmet is nice. Retiari2 self-revive is quite ok.

Bossing skillbuild for warlock build: skillplanner

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Yeah, been thinking of a more tank-like build too, for PeltHop or Rodelero. Might have to try that Murm1-Retiari1 build once.
Murmillo helmet looks nice with Retiari costume too :slightly_smiling_face:

What you think about the “support mage” after mage rework patch ?

I tried playing around with the new UI. Cannot enlarge the image.
Regular image hides all bonus effects (enchanter shop, anvil, trans, weapon maintenance, description text) and just shows equip image, level, attack value, bonus stats. Pressing shift will show all the hidden bonus effects.

@victor_afffff I think it’s still ok. Most support focus wizards have secondary functions like crowd control or damage (such as thauma3-onmo2 builds).

42k SP turtle shield wiz3 thauma3 runer Onmyouji2 challenge mode solo here

Dragon raid scheduled for next patch on KTOS main server. It was delayed this week due to bugs (infinite invincibility of mob and boss).

Cryo-Psycho-Link-Rune-Enchanter sausys room 9 here

Fencer-matador preparation + stabbing on album boss test here

Retiari pull at TBL: here

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I think the best support would be

There are some varieties to help your char to farm or leveling

no video chrono Onmy with farm location or hg?

+32 staff, rangee po is a monster dude lol

New video of cryo psy rune ench

Wiz3 ele1 chrono3 onmyo2 challenge solo here

hop3 highlander2 dragoon1 reitiarii2 at sausys room (low gear low level) here

Krivis3 monk3 zealot2 vs event boss here

bit laggy videos
Mario wizard build vs event boss here

Wiz3 cryo3 runer onmyo2 sausys room 9 here and challenge stage 1 here
Wiz2 link3 thaum3 runer sausys room 9 here


its what i want ))
no video with kill new Zaura with mages?)))))) haha
its will be fun

Very awesome the Wiz3 ele1 chrono3 onmyo2 video . If it was a sage build, do you think the speed to complete would be the same? I think for sage it would probably would replace the ele for rc right? And the problem with sage is the AOE

Got any news for upgrade the monarch boss again ? Curious anyone could kill it by now

I guess people keep killing them as some people are trying to figure out how to level up it (until now. I think the maximum level archived was 4).

Also people might getting ways to avoid the WB elemental protection buff , probably Miko gohei is one of the skills that can help in this case

ckri3monk3zelot2 against album bosses:

Some kabbalist tips:

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Uhhh what? :heeey: :tired:

I like it :slight_smile: it was the top DPS many times. Even without pandoners buffs.

I think they made community card event there, in South America we do it pretty often

But you wrote “Demon Lords”? Did you post the wrong video?

Card Album bosses are very different from DemonLords. My guild does them often. They are very weak and easy. Dps numbers have no meaning there. That video shows nothing.

I often am too on my monk. Man i wish i had that aspd tho. god damn