Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

You will have unlimited hit count buffs from Pardoner shop so you don’t need spr.

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So, What is the purpose of Chap in the build? (utility? filler?)

Better ask what’s the point of Priest in the build without SPR xD

Chaplain is obviously the main source of damage with Aspergillum and Last Rites adding more autoattack damage…


The purpose is to add 2 additional attack lines per auto-attack from last rites and aspergillum.

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The meta AA cleric build is dependent on auto-attacks. It will be nice to add more auto-attack lines, like @remiri said. Chaplain will add +2 lines.

Daino with krivis3 attribute adds another line and the attribute will give you +150 attack speed with daino 15.
Sacrament from pardoner shop adds a line.
Chaplain last rites + aspergillum add 2 lines.
If you buy enchant fire scroll, you get another line.

You do not need SPR because you will Sacra, bless, magic def, pdef buffs at pardoner shop. The buffs will use the seller’s stats.

Daino converts auto-attack to use your magic attack stat. INT will increase your magic attack. INT will also boost the damage of aspersion (aspersion --> aspergillum).

DEX is taken for attack speed, to attack faster. Based on your ping, decide your optimal DEX (attack speed) and then start adding INT.

Example of build:

Please feel free to move points around according to your preference.
Note: you need at least level 1 sacrament or the chaplain last rites will NOT work.
Cast all buffs --> lastly cast stone skin & daino, then cast melstis to extend all buffs.

Inquisitor burning flames attribute is important. Each flame will proc all your extra lines of hits. view attribute here


Hello man!
I dont like Inquisitor, i know is a good class and fits the AA Cleric meta perfect, but meh… the outfit sucks XD
Do you think is possible to trade Inquisitor for Taoist ?



Or this:

Any thoughts?

It could have issues with uptime

Hi @greyhiem ,how many new hunting grounds are there ?

entrance portal is inside the 170 HG at dina bee farm

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But will not be a % chance…

Daino converts your auto-attack to Magic-based, so stormcall will not boost it. Stormcall will still boost zaibas, so you must sacrifice 15 aukuras points to get zaibas 15.

It is impossible to take chaplain without priest3 in-game! Only possible on tosneet.

I dint know that, now things make sense…
With that in mind, the possibilities for build diversity on Krivs rework are zero…

tyvm <3

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There are 2 Auto-attack based krivis3 builds (because daino15 with krivis3 daino attribute is great!).

1.Krivis3 + Kabbalist2 + Inquisitor1 Wheel Lord build (by @nekorin).
Daino + Inquisitor breaking wheel + Merkabah with kabbalist2 attribute is a great combo (a lot of hits).
You can see it in action at the Unique Raid 330 video click here

2.Meta KR AA cleric Krivis3 Priest3 Chaplain Inquisitor1.
Stacking a lot of additional attack lines for auto attack with breaking wheel, inquisitor flame attribute, and malleus debuff (debuff makes mob take extra damage based on the mob magic attack).
You can see the META AA cleric video here
There are a lot of videos of this build, I just picked the one with a popolion suit character.

Another video with a different skillbuild:
DEX BUILD Meta AA cleric

The order you pick the classes does not matter a lot. Can pick krivis3 - priest3 - chaplain - inquis or priest3-chaplain-krivis3 inquis. Or any other order.

Other krivis builds are caster-based (Krivis3 + Taoist builds and Krivis3 + Plague Doctor builds).


Does discerning evil effects the duration of the reworked krivis ex. Aukuras and divine stigma?

Does not affect aukuras. Think it does affect divine stigma. Though the stigma DoT is already very long duration (15s DoT).

I see.
Thanks @greyhiem can’t wait for todays patch here.
Gonna test it.

Someone asked for Fencer3 - Shinobi1 right? @Proxied ?


Appraiser1 + Bulletmarker1 Reiter3 solo Unique Raid

Meta reiter3 options
Rogue2 reiter3 version skillpoints here
Appraiser1 Reiter3 Bullet1 skillpoints here
Note: taking archer2 + ranger2 is fine too.
Good luck

Enchanter2thauma linker farming mashinos rod and staff materials here

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Is there a meta archer (excluding AA metas)? (Or at least, a semi-cheap archer?)

Reiter3 is AA archer. Other AA archer is QS3.

Bow option:
QS3- x - Falconer3 - mergen1. video here and here
That’s a QS3-rogue1-falconer3-mergen1. Cheap option (no werewolf cards) is QS3-archer2 instead of rogue1.
Build here

Gun option:
QS3 - x - falconer3- bulletmarker1. video here
QS3 - archer2 - rogue2 - bulletmarker2. video here

Rifle option:
QS3 -Archer3 - Musketeer3 video here
Cannoneer option is cannon3.

Excluding AA, eh. Most KR players pick QS3 or reiter3. Sustained damage is insane on running shot.

You could try ranger3-rogue3-hackapel2. video


Is there a skill change or nerf on shinobi in these revamp or rebalance ?