Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

- A new attribute has been added.
- Increases the damage of all skills by 20% when equipped with a [Rapier] weapon.
- (Excludes ‘All Weapons Available’ type skills)

If I read this right, this shouldn’t boost any skills that have no weapon stance requirement on it and the skills that are boosted should have weapon restriction + compatible with rapier. This won’t boost any Highlander, Swordsman, Barbarian, Hoplite, and Shinobi.

Interestingly, this should boost all Peltasta’s offensive skills as well as Rodelero’s. This should also boost Corsair’s Dust Devil and Hexen Dropper. Of course, this should boost all Fencer’s + Murmillo’s but kinda irrelevant atm seeing this attribute is acquired at circle 2.

pm me the why part pls and thank you <3 :slight_smile:

I’d prefer c2-priest2-pa3-pd2 rather than kri3-pa3-pd2.

while kri3 provides more hp regen, you are vurnerable to high burst that hit your entire party. That’s where priest’s revive come into play; it gives you a safety net. cleric2 also provide 40 block count from safetyzone compared to 10 block from cleric1.

Also some difficult bosses has reversi/destroy magic circle skill, which might destroy your barrier and deal huge damage. on that scenario priest2 shines much better than krivis3


Krivis is an offensive tree, Priest is a defensive tree, don’t think you can compare either, but they can somehow workout for some builds.

Idk how paladin works with pd2 on rank9 patch but i believe if you are really going priest you should just go p3-chap.
P2 is kinda useless 2-rank filler build.

Btw thinking on Solmiki and supporting im gonna try a c2-diev3-priest3-taoist for me.

Yes, should be correct. Skills without (rapier) weapon restrictions don’t receive bonus damage from the Bandit attribute.

Giant Lightning hands (Bong video) here

I’m going mario build (wz3-thau3-RC-ench2) when the reset event hits us. I’m a little bit nervous since we don’t have info on the wiz rebalance yet.

whats the primary stat for enchanter alone?? especially those lightning hands? ty… Im leveling a new mage as my enchanter hehehe… thanks… im only asking the enchanter part i’ll build around it.

Depends on your build.

If you have Thauma, full INT or full SPR.
If you have Chrono, full DEX if you have a good ping or 150/200 DEX and rest INT.
If you have Sorcerer, full SPR and try to get a bit of DEX and/or INT from equips.

I haven’t tested it yet, but I think I’m going around 200 DEX, and rest on CON for high block with Enchant Earth.

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Ein Sof isn’t an HP regen buff. It only increases your max HP but it won’t heal you.
Imagine you have at base 50k HP. You’re full health, so you have 50k/50k, after using Ein Sof your HP will be 50k/100k.
This skill is cool to make you more tanky for a short period of time (at level 5 it lasts 35s and it has a 60s cd), to be a damages sponge for a bit, but to be truly tanky and for HP regen, Healing Factor is much better. You use it when you’re full HP so it will keep healing you. At level 5 it lasts 40s for a 45s cd, so with Divine Might you can have it on all the time.
I like them both, but personally if I were to build a toon meant to tank and support, I’d choose Healing Factor. Also because PD 1 offers more protection than Kabba 1 overall.

You go Chaplain if you have a real use for it. I so often see people going for it because they’re Priest 3 anyway, but it can be a waste of a rank if it’s not your kind of gameplay or if you have no real use for it.
P2 is never useless. You have the easiest and most instant heal, Mass Heal, as well as Revive. Now that P3 mostly offers extra skill points (since Stone Skin isn’t as good), P2 is a good alternative if you don’t want to be a buff machine but still want the Res/Revive/extra heal support.

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i was thinking along the lines of that :smiley: and i started making the base cryo chrono XD thats why i asked the stat alone… for enchanter…

1 thing to consider when stat building an enchanter is [lightning hands] has a 503% SF. Normally I would advice against full STR or INT builds all the time because the weapon always makes up for it if you decide to build it. This time though, 503% on 550 INT is 5533 damage. That is a lot to lose on a full DEX variant.


im more of a con and int… couz i know my ping is meh… hahaha thats why i plan to change my other characters to class for ping friendly…

edit: removed old video

QS3 Musket3 test vs mobs here

Sorc enchanter with Gorkas solo dungeon 300 here
Gorkas normal attack is the best AoE hitbox normal attack of all summons'

Enchanter version of Meta wizard farmer at HG 340 here
and farming mashinos rod materials here

Linker3 thauma3 shadow1 farming at HG 340 here

Mashinos rod cryo chrono enchanter2 siaulai here

INT, SPR, DEX mix enchanter2 siaulai here

Alchemist3 sorcerer with succubus siaulai here

Elementalist3 sorcerer Sage2 solo dungeon 300 here

Mashinos staff elementalist3 warlock3 at HG 340 here

pyro2 Thauma3 sorc shadowmancer2 siaulai here
and here

Other info

This is the formula of Aukuras Goddess of Fire attribute:
Bonus fire elemental damage = (215 + ((([Character INT] + [Character SPR]) ^ 0.9) × (1 + [Skill Level] / 15)) + ([Skill Level] × 43))


Do you know how we can get this hat (from Muskteer video): (Desert Outlaw 황야의 무법자).

Is from gacha?

This hat is available in Korea server from the Goddess Cube (TP shop), think I saw it from there. A lot of hats are not available in itos.

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Indeed is a lot, but by going full INT you lose attack speed.

Let’s say a full INT build, without Chrono’s Quicken would deal around 1,5 hits per second.
With Quicken, it would grow to around 1,8 hits per seconds. (Tested myself)
Going around 180-200 DEX, I can get 2,4 hits per seconds with Quicken and it would never go beyond this because of my ping.

Now, my CryoChrono (full CON) have 4000 magic atk, for a total of 20120 damage.
If I went full INT, LH damage (before defense) would be 24053 damage, over 4000 damage per attack.

However, things get interesting now:

20120 x 2,4 hits per second = 48288
24053 x 1,8 hits per seconds = 43295

Which means INT will hit harder than DEX per attack, but DEX allows for more attacks and more dps if you have a good trans/enhance weapon. When you count that blessing, sacrament, damage from mashinos mace and all lines of damage are the same for both builds, DEX becames even stronger.

Is the formula right? I tried a test with lv 15 and 500 de int and I over 300k bonus.

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I don’t understand. With 500 INT and aukuras level 15, your bonus is +1397 fire elemental damage.

(215+(((500^0.9)×(1+15/15))+(15×43)) = 1397.
500 is INT, and 15 is aukuras skill level.

Let’s try aukuras level 16 (divine might) with 500 INT:
(215+(((500^0.9)×(1+16/15))+(16×43)) = 1458.

215 innate bonus,
((INT+SPR)^0.9) x (1+(skill level/15)) = answer A,
(skill level x 43) = answer B.
Innate + answer A + answer B = your bonus damage.

For aukuras level 16 with 500 INT:
215 separately,
then this part: ((500^0.9)×(1+(16/15)) = 555.
and then this part: (16×43) = 688.
Add together, 215 + 555 + 688 = 1458 fire elemental bonus damage.

Note: I cannot update first post anymore due to TEXT SIZE LIMIT. :sweat:
Most info is still correct, but musketeer & matador update was not included.
Also no room to add murmillo2 scutum hit attribute (attribute doubles AoE attack ratio of scutum hit).
Might have missed some more attributes.

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Look well the parenthesis, i did a test with 500 int and 100 spr and i got a bonus of +1492.

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Got it, I thought Answer B was part of the multiply… :stuck_out_tongue:

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