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[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion šŸ’„

Does it apply your matk correctly now?

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Did he/she take lv 10 Prominence just for that mission?? Coz elsewhere lv 10 Hail + Frozen Attribute + Electrocute usually would out damage Prominence, especially if the monsters are slept and stay in Hail for all 15s.

Electrocute is nice thou, hope at lv 14/15, it hits 9 times ( basically the number of hit scales with the number of target :P). Electrocute + linker can probably wipe a group of high hp mobs easily. Each mob will get like 9 ( hit of Elec) x 5 ( C1 Linker with lv 5 Join penalty) = 45 hits, not to mention 50% from Quick Cast and 50% from JP attributeā€¦Easily out damage Frost Cloud

I remember Reflect shield can block most knockdown/knockback at early levels but not much later, i think it only work if the shield mitigate a certain percent of dmg.
And this is why stone curse is so bad:

I think so, the dmg much better than before.

Wow, thatā€™s unfortunate, rather severe tbh. Also idk, when I dueled in cbt reflect shield could occasionally negate both sleep and poison. My friend was a mage and with reflect shield on, sleep wouldnā€™t work on either of us some of the time. My wugushi would fail to poison sometimes as well ;x.

Does it mean that we will need to finish the sleep cast to get the max level effect?

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what it means?

Soā€¦ Now stone curse has a different interaction with diferent element types? Like back on the ā€œother game we all knowā€, fire did more damage to earth element monsters, and ā€œpetrifyā€ used to convert the element of the target to earthā€¦ I know the element table of ToS donā€™t have that kind of interaction between fire and earth, but still interestingā€¦ Or itā€™s just a bug, sure, thatā€™s a possibility =P

Thinking about Sorcerer is at least C2 is a must now?
Iā€™m Sorc c1 now and feel a bit of regret to take this class.

Sorcerer isnā€™t that bad, just that it take effort to get good cards (eg: temple shooter) and A LOT efforts level up the card.
C2 make you able to use your summonā€™s skill while riding them, but not really a must unless you really like the class and want to master it.
Unless developer make those boss cards skill more useful, else sorcerer quite in bad shape compare to other classes.

Or you persist with Summoner class, you also can try with Necromancer C1-C2.

yet my Temple Shooter is not useful in boss fight at all due to iā€™m running around to dodge their attack and Temple Shooter just walk follow me no hit and steal healing tiles :frowning:

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I found Desmodus and Evocation clip, so underwhelmingā€¦i canā€™t believe they are C3 skillsā€¦

Featherfoot from his channel.

Featherfoot can drain HP from a fireball.

^cool thoughā€¦why featherfoot is a mage and not a cleric is still baffeling.

My god, that sustain from Featherfootā€¦

Found a way to screw yourself.
C2 wiz, C3 Psykino, c1 necro, warlock.

Good luck for the first 5 ranks with only 5 attacks.

Why isnā€™t this the default for staff ā€œcā€ atk? I have to wait for lv 220 for an infinitely better auto atk?

I am thinking of making Wiz -> Cyro -> Linker -> Ele 3 -> Feather.
Well, sustain damage is probably lower than Pyro 2 Ele 3ā€¦ But with the recent buff to Electrocute, I think Linker might get a shot.
In solo play I think it it will be better than both wiz 3 and pyro 2ā€¦Link + Ice bolt + electrocute is really really strong. Even Link + Ice pike is pretty good already. Link + Hail is strong too. Hangman knot is just superb at gathering mob while give u time to cast spell.

In group, ofc pyro 2 or wiz 3 will do more damage if there is another linker. But if there is not a second linker than i am pretty sure Joint Penalty will contribute more damage than Quick Cast or Fireball/Flame Ground. Potentially, you can duo with a Int Cleric to clear dungeon. JP pretty much makes Int Cleric god

In boss, i think combo like Ice Wall + JP + Electrocute or Ice Wall + JP + Hail can be pretty mean. Even without Ice Wall, JP to add or trap + Hail and Electrocute can produce some good hit count.

If higher rank classes are more single-target oriented like Feather or have mul-ti hits ability like Hail/Electrocute, C1 Linker might even out scale Quick Cast.

What do you guys think??

Wasnā€™t JP nerfed to ā€œeffectively only work with single target damageā€ meaning no more aoe multiplier?

Yes. For me it is more like not a nerf but the way how it was supposed to be at the start. But imc fcked this up. Still useful for Archers/Pyro balls/Low aoe ratio classes/attacks and stuff but no more aoe multiplier yes. So yeah kinda nerfed.