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[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Just 2 words: Never Falconer2

well, hacka1 is pretty underwhelming without the skarp attribute and the hackapelle pasive of hacka 2 imo.
Plus your sp drain will be worse.

And falc2 is not that bad tbh.

Hi all,

I said that I want to test musketeer1 hacka2 about 3 month ago.
Not sure if anyone remember this.:yum:
After a long time, 8th balance finally applied to Taiwan’s server this week.
Anyway, just want to share some skill inter-action test result.

Test Result

  1. muskete “c” attack won’t dismount
  2. Safe Distance can trigger while mounting
  3. Cast Grooving Muzzle will dismount
  4. Grooving Muzzle work while mounting
  5. Grooving Muzzle will disappear when use hackpell’s skill (except Cavalry Charge)
  6. Hacka Pelle buff can be casted by auto-switch while equip muskete
  7. Hacka Pelle will disappear when switch to muskete manually

And here is the test vedio

Grooving Muzzle and Cavalry Charge


The video is bad, there were some lags and freezes , it’s just to show the really low damage, even if I was sapper, or falconer it would not be that much greater =>

This build is so so for mobbing but its forte is for bossing if there is a taunt or when you can successfully place yourself behind the target.
The performance was quite horrible in this video anyways.

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falconer2 at least is very good actually, every pheasant you shoot just deletes everything on Sausys9

Question, does hackapell’s cavalry charge cancel out demon lord bosses skill animation? or is it limited to only a few certain skills/bosses?

On KTOS, not anymore. It used to cancel worldboss medzo daina skill easily. It was deemed too strong and has been nerfed. No longer cancels mob&boss skills. Patch did not arrive on iToS yet, please enjoy it.


I’ve made a video about Arc1-QS3-Rogue1-Falcon3-Hacka1 in Dungeon 300.
I’ve absolutely love the playstyle and i think it pretty strong too even without expensive equipment.
Does this video qualify as your collection Mister @greyhiem ?


I found that we can keep Grooving by keep autoattack while using hacka’s skill. (not always success.)
Though I think maybe I am the only hacka player who need this tips :thinking:

And I also make a vedio that farming with musketer hackapell, just for reference.

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Of course! All hackapel videos are accepted, I will add it to the first post. There are few hackapel videos.
@lunettesrouges video will be added to first post too.
@mikeee I do not know any musketeer-hackapel, just you. Thanks for showing tests!

Thank you very much sir :smiley:
I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Is Hackapell a good class for card album bossing/world bossing? Or does it get outshined by, lets say, a Zealot2?

Archer 1 Ranger3 Rogue 3 Hacka2 /
Archer 2 Ranger2 Rogue 3 Hacka2 /
Archer 1 QS3 Rogue3 Hacka2

witch one is better? mainly for bossing, but decent at killing enemies too (like 340 HG).

No, cant outclass zealot.
Have high single target dmg, but no god tier dmg.
Its expensive but fun af.
With that on mind if you are still in just hop in to the hackapell train :smiley:

About your builds, as i said before, ranger %dmg on skills is so low that i dont really like it and wasting 3 circles for qs3 is kinda too much. Also rogue 3 adds just a little of dmg on backstab, nothing else, there are better options.

I know of a Hacka2 who was able to out-damage krivis3 monk3 zealot2 build, but it needs good play with extreme gear and good Pass from Chrono. Fully use the ability of dashing to reposition on hackapel2 to avoid attacks.

Hacka2 #1 dealer vs drake
Wiz Ele Warlock (dealer) dealer #3
Krivis3 monk3 zealot2 (dealer) #2 dealer
priest2 kabba3 (support, not a dealer)
linker3 chrono3 sage (support, not a dealer)

Can you guess the build based on party members, the buffs, and the debuffs on bellpepper?

Hacka is viable dealer. Though the investment is very high.

This raid run was recorded. Edit video link


Hello. Is is confirm whether or not Hackapell’s Sword increases Wugu/Sapper with the new attribute? It says secondary, but I’m not sure if it counts.

Not confirmed yet.
I cannot try it because I am keeping archer resetted for new class in the future.


Hmm. Archer don’t have much animation on their buff so I don’t know…

ABC could be Archer3/Ranger3/Any. Prolly most logical is Archer3 for crit rate.
D could be SR2/Rouge/Any.

But investment on both sword and pistol :open_mouth:

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maybe i just expressed badly, hacka is just not meta, but its a good viable damage dealer :wink:

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I did not mean to join the discussion about hacka vs zealot. It was just a coincidence. A video with both discussed builds (monk zealot and hackapel) was available. It is true the zealot2 build’s performance is usually better than hackapel builds. :slight_smile: I did not expect to see any hackapel at the new raid.

Monk zealot2, especially the zealot2 is much easier to use for AoE. In general the monk zealot2 outdamages hackapel builds easily. Clerics are also able to provide healing. Only pick hackapel if you like the concept a lot (mounted cavalry archer with melee). If you need easy (AoE) dealer, I will not recommend hackapel2.


I think SR1/2 do have something good.
Retreat Shot and Limacon are convenient skills.

Since Limacon can work with One-handed Bow Mastery attribute,
it’s good against boss in high level challenge mode
And it can replace running shot too.

Retreat Shot now can hit 15 target even with lv1, SR2 doesn’t have new valid skill.
So I think SR2 is not a necessary choice if we want to go SR/Hack2.
Maybe I will prefer something like SR1/falc1/hack2, haven’t tried this though.

Investment is high for this kind of build, but it will become cheaper in the future due to new transcend mechanism.

I also seen similar SR1 concept in some bullet maker build.
It seems more reasonable than SR/hack2 since they don’t need an extra sword.
However, they have un-mount problem.