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[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Seeing rank 10 videos i really don’t think infinity assault is worth the points… what are you guys thinking?
I would rather spent 5 points improving hacka-pelle or grind cutter

Any skill points distribution plans?

Still no buff for infinite assault, perhaps on Thursday patch.

@adrian.agulto.rn Thanks for confirming the buff! It’s one of the best buffs, on 100% up-time. At 5 stacks, just keep using 1x critical shot every 14s (5 overheat, 10s cooldown) to maintain the 15s-5stack crit buff on yourself.

Similar build? ranger3 rogue1 falcon3 mergen (or hackapel). Rank 10 mergen2 or hacka2 is ok.
Prefer falcon3-hacka2 over falcon3-mergen2. Hacka3 skill is bad and mergen3 is a lot stronger than mergen2, even though steady aim is useless on hacka and hacka requires an extra weapon investment.

@breakblade1992 Reiter3 + Hacka2 is possible at rank 10. Reiter3 after buff is stronger. Requirement for this build: pistol upgrade & sword upgrade. Just need dex until you reach your atk speed cap based on ping (type //ping in-game and hit enter), then STR (CON, SPR or from gear). High delay (//ping higher than 0.08-0.1, do not go beyond 100-120-150 dex). Try //ping at crowded area and non-crowded area.

Use crossbow+pistol and keep crossbow+sword on second weapon slot. It will auto-swap when you use hackapel skill.

For X, try any combo of archer2, ranger1/2/3, appraiser, rogue, wugushi, to get useful buffs/debuffs and prevent crossbow investment.
Archer2 crit rate on swift step attribute.
Ranger steady aim missile buff and critical shot buff.
Appraiser and rogue for buffs/debuffs.
Wugushi provides bonus zhendu hit for limacon, but you could replace this with enchant fire scrolls from auction market. Enchant fire and zhendu cannot stack.
Examples: archer2 - ranger2 - rogue1 - Sreiter3 - Hackapel2,
Archer2 - ranger1 - wugushi1 - appraiser - Sreiter3 - hackapel2, (…)
If you dislike hacka2, unrank and pick bulletmarker1 silver bullet buff for full-reiter build (reiter3 - hacka1 - bulletmarker1).


Hacka not even in top 100 list. Why IMC so afraid to give Hacka a decent C3 skill/attribute -_-
Hacka C3 matters!

too sad imc gives no crap about hacks


Yeah, with Ranger now your damage basically increases significantly with infinite duration. Just have to be really mindful of keeping the stacks up… Buff duration and 5 OH is pretty handy. Wheb I dropped qs3, I started treating this as a “mini game” when I play. Keeping Crit Shot buff 100% up all time while spamming skills easily replaced my AA gameplay from qs3 and I don’t regret it. My skills just crit way too harder now. I think qs3 will still be okay but for toons and not for a main, unless you’re after the fun gameplay of Running Shot…

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sorry if it’s a dumb question, but how exactly do ‘arrow stacks’ work with hacka? and to what extent do they increase damage of hacka skills? i’m strongly considering a ranger3>falc3>hacka2 once r10 is out. not being able to pair hacka c2 with falcon 3 until now is the thing that’s been putting me off.

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Hi steeple, this is a good question. Arrow-stacks mechanic is very very old. It is already removed!

If you are interested, the old mechanic was:
1.Every -missile- attack would stack 1 arrow (up to 5 stacks) on mobs, with each stack reducing 10% of mob physical def.
2.With each stack on mob, hacka skill would deal more damage on mob.

Current mechanic: use Stormbolt skill (will deal 3 hits) to apply a debuff.
-Use stormbolt again to get 5 hit stormbolt.
-Skarp on stormbolt-debuffed-mob will deal 2x3 hits of skarp. Skarp on no-debuffed mob = 2x2 hits of skarp.
Edit: putting simple video to show:

You might have been confused if you read old posts. The first post is up-to-date but all other posts until ~post 1250 are outdated (cannot remove those posts). This post is post1329.
I hope I explained Hackapel sufficiently.

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@greyhiem well that explains why i was having such a hard time finding up-to-date info about the mechanic, then. thanks :slight_smile: . i didn’t want to ask without reading through thread first, so i read about 4 months of posts on this thread and was just left scratching my head. there were mentions of doing QS3 to easily stack arrows, but nothing about the mechanic in top post/guide. (your guide is a fantastic btw it gave me all the other info i needed. but could i suggest adding a small note stating that the old arrow stacking mechanic has been removed?)

what are your thoughts on archer2>ranger3>falcon3>hacka2 at rank 10? i know that rogue c1 is an option but i really dislike not having 100% uptime on sneak hit at rogue c1. it just kinda feels messy to me.

edit: does stormbolt have any aoe/benefit from aoe ratio? or is it purely single target?

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Hacka2 is just as good as Hackapel3, because currently the hackapel3 skill is very lacking (no overheat, no debuff or anything interesting, low target limit of 8). The only good feature of hackapel 3 is the cavalryCharge: bonus critical damage for grind-cutter attribute.

Ranger3 archer2 falcon3 hacka2 is definitely viable too. Rank 5 is a free rank for ranger3- falconer3 build.
Without rogue, you can opt to skip ranger barrage too. The advantage of rogue+ranger is the feint&barrage combo, especially useful to have a quick burst on boss. A video on post 2 shows the combo.

Hope this link works – example build without barrage:
With barrage, you could drop timebomb arrow to 1 (or 0), and lower high anchoring to Level 4 or 3 — to get 15/15 barrage.
(if you cannot view tosbase link with skill-description, this is a back-up picture)

Most hackapel builds require 2-weapon investments: crossbow + sword, or pistol + sword. This build requires crossbow (edit: or bow) + sword (edit: or sword on auto-swap slot), because ranger+falconer+archer skills scale on edit:main-hand-damage, and hackapel skills scale on Sword-damage. The exception is cavalry charge, however cavalry charge is left at Lv1 because the cavalry-debuff does not scale with skill levels.

Yes, stormbolt does benefit from AoE ratio. It does lack innate AoE ratio, so falconer circling + AoE attack ratio gear will help a lot.

About the note on arrow-stack removal, that’s a nice suggestion, I will add it! :grin: and I will add a bigger note with -please skip all old posts until ~post 1250 please!- too.


thanks for all the info :slight_smile: really damn helpful. concerning the barrage combo, i am aware of it but my hotbar would be scarily crowded running this build how it is, without also adding in barrage and feint (skill-spammy builds aren’t something i’m used to). as for gear, i’d argue that a 2-hand bow is also a basic requirement for the build. the crossbow mastery attribute is being nerfed to the ground with rank 10 update, and the +50% vs flying enemies with a 2h bow is just too large to ignore for the ranger and falcon skills. the +50% missile damage attribute at ranger c2 also only works with 2h bows, so you’re sacrificing a big chunk of ranger damage right there by not having 2h bow. i’ll just main a 2h bow and weapon-swap to a sword for the hacka skills.

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You are right, that’s actually a lot stronger. Edited my previous post to reflect it.
Main weapon: 2-handed bow (invested).
Auto-swap slot: crossbow with good stats but no anvil or trans, + sword (invested - anvil, and such)

Almost full velco boss from Fencer’s perspective

This is my first Hacke velco run after reset. Wasn’t familiar with rotation yet. Shoulda record other run after my resetted skill cos I did much better in positioning and rotation. Turned off record cos it was a bit lag.

I’ve improvised my skill rotation as below.

  1. My gear setup here
  2. Masi bow + Broadhead + Prison Cutter consistently proc the -crit def.
  3. Removed some Ranger skill cos I have enough rotation from Fletcher and Hacka.

Hacka3’s infinite assault skill is one of the worst C3 skills (together with taoist3). No changes this week, hopefully next week (players did not leave positive feedback for this skill).

Thanks for the vids everyone.
When rank 10 arrives on KTOS I will start to separate videos into builds+server/TOS version. Separation into server/TOS version will allow players to ask questions easily if they prefer another language.
And update builds&skillplans for rank 10 too.

Current usual hackapel distributions for each circle:


First option with infinite assault and 3/15 stormbolt.
Second option without infinite assault.
Optional to get level 1 leg shot to slow (PvP, slow debuff vs boss). Leg shot will require a pistol.


1 leftover point, 9/10 storm bolt or 1/10 leg shot.


4 leftover points. Take leg shot 1 + 4/5 cavalry charge, or max cavalry charge. Possible to leave cavalry charge at 1/5 too and leave 4 points unspent. Cavalry charge scales on crossbow & bow. Debuff does not scale per skill level. It provides a ~+33% true crit chance debuff for 5s on all skill levels.


For Circle 3 with Infinite Assault, I would sacrifice a point or more from Skarp or Hakkapelle for Storm Bolt. You want your Storm Bolt debuff ready for next cd rotation as level 3 only 18 sec, same as cd. I believe they are adding damage attribute and Storm Bolt is decent against Velco’s leather armor.

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is it even worth to get 5/5 infinite assault ? also can u dodge hits with it ?

Agree. Circle3 44/45 points, 1 leftover point should probably go to stormbolt to get 4/10 stormbolt for 24s debuff. Yes stormbolt stronger with enhance attribute.

Have seen full offensive skill distribution suggested too, with low hakka pelle buff (no pain barrier attribute). Solve with rune caster + linker party member.

Disregarding SP consumption reduction on hakka palle buff with multiple SP potions. SP cost of Grind cutter is a lot lower after rank 10 patch. Attack speed boost is most useful on qs and reiter. About evasion chance for survival, a dedicated healer during party will keep you alive.

@KKKKKKK skill does not give any special dodge effects.
Stormbolt 8/15 + infinite assault 1/5?

Expect another ktest patch at the start of next week, then ktos rank 10-event introduction patch end of the week. Will keep updated whether hacka3 remains in a bad spot.


IHow def reduction work?

From what I understand with 10k pdef
A Bodkin arrow -20% become 8k
B Devaluation -7.5% become 7.4k
C Monstrance -10% become 6.6k

Fletcher3-Hacka2 could take Appraiser too but that will add another 3 skill in your hotkey.

I’m still not fully convinced how Hacka compared to other meta dps but from past Velco run, I normally take rank 1-2 competing with other meta dps using higher refinement than mine. Made me think if I should get Velco Sword first instead of 1h Mace for many of my other character.

Run with +16 staff Ele-WL, +21 bow Ranger3-Falco3-Mergen, Meme AA Cleric and Druid3-Tao1. Boss took 11 min. Didn’t record cause I thought I have no chance competing with them. Occasionally got damage boost from Tao1 but idk if it’s Ranger3 or Fletcher3 or Hacka2 that mostly contribute in my dps.

I think something’s wrong with velcoffer DPS rankings.

from time to time my exo with trans 2 can take top 1 or top 2.
My exo prioritizes healing and I rarely use bendita (only after upheaval) to avoid killing team mates accidentally

my dragoon also takes rank 1 with trans 0 weapon

I don’t know if the DPS only counts starting phase 3 because we all stopped DPSing velcs for a good amount of time during second ads phase

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From my observation, I think if only 1 person shows rank, which always rank 1…that is bugged. I think this happened when party member dying around so dps rank messed up.

Normally if no one died, rank system is consistent imo unless cleric was paid to fade :stuck_out_tongue: I also never got rank 1 on my Debuff-Dragoon oriented with all party member alive. Normally only 3-4 with my +11 T7 spear. I know rank is overrated but it’s a good measure to know your DPS potential…if it’s accurate :frowning:

We know already hackapell have some serious issues and skillfactor is not enough to compete. If we had a 360 hard mode they would never be accepted xD
With archer rework you get 100 attributes every time you make a critical damage as long as you have ranger 1 (I doubt it’s intented so maybe fix * nerf later).
Let’s say your grindcutter does 10 000 damage, with no debuff and 0 critical attack you do 15 000, and now because ranger1 (bug?), 20 000 damage
On top of that ranger3 / fletcher3 does really insane damage so even with pied piper2 I would not be surprised about the “result”.
If we had a dps meter before archer rework, we could see the % damage from each skill, I’m pretty sure in the case of ranger3/fletcher3/hackapell2 without the ranger1 “buff” the % damage from hackapell would be really low.

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