Tree of Savior Forum

[ADDONS] Discontinued/Broken Addon Development

I don’t really know programming/scripting, the most I’ve done is modding for other games, but from what I understand the addons work by calling upon the functions already in the game, and present them to the client. So I would assume that they are no longer working because those functions have been removed or altered. It may not be possible to use those existent functions because you can’t change the functions themselves, only how you activate them on your end, and bring them to the client.

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My friend’s having issues with simplewarp, it’s incompatible with druid. He couldn’t use carnivory and sterea trofh when he installed it. He uninstalled it and he could use them again.

Could you please give more details on this? What control scheme does your friend use? Is it only these specific skills? Have you or your friend tested other skills that may be affected?

I just had another few players test this, and nothing seems to be amiss. Nothing I changed in SimpleWarp would have any bearing on skill interactions whatsoever. I simply added one line, a function call for Diev Vakarine statue (making the addon behave the same way it did before, but for Diev statues as well), and removed another line, which forced your control scheme to change while the SimpleWarp list was open (this should mean that your control scheme now remains the same even with the warp list open).

Please ensure that there isn’t some other issue causing your friend’s Druid problems.

You are my hero. Thank you!

BTW anyone knows a list with which addons are causing conflitcs? (Or the ones that are not, either way is fine x3)
I’m receiving a lot of VGA errors out of the blue, and since I’m using quite a bunch of them I’m not sure if it’s related or not :x
I already did some tests removing them but wasn’t able to detect anything specific.
Thanks in advance o/

First remove all addons and see if you’re still getting errors

Already did that and went smoothly with/without the ones I use the most, usually they only occur when chaning maps or channels (and sometimes changing lodge as well), but there’s too many to test one-by-one, that’s why I’m asking for a possible white/blacklist :3

Try disabling optimisation.

Will try that thanks for the idea, are people receiving lots of erros because of it?

For some it can cause problems. I have had like one or two VGA crashes since the optimisation patch so it’s basically a non-issue for me, but others have seen an increase in them.

Have you tried to delete user.xml and user_c.xml yet?

Trump up this Thread :smiley:

I hope whisper switch from LKchat will working again soon.

It pretty annoy when bot/player whisper and Im still talking to my friends.

About Rader > v1.2.0 still wokring fine


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Conceptualizing an addon that will allow Controller Mode Set 2 to “stick” rather than reverting to Set 1 when you move, jump, or attack (etc)

Disregard, this only happens when you’re on Auto instead of specifically Controller mode.

I’d love to have Context Menu Additions working again, too bad excrulon quited :confused:

@LunarRabbit Can you ask @Excrulon if he at least change the repository link in the Add-on manager to one that you or someone can manage? Unless it is possible to do on his already, then nvm, but I’m concerned that some people may try to put some harming addons in the list and things get out of control later on.

Also, thanks for who is working on the add-ons.

@Nirimetus I’m pretty sure he would still accept pull requests on his Github account (since it’s not tos-only). We just need people to actually go and do it.

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FPS savior can be used to completely remove another player’s existence in the same map, IIRC. Can you tweak that addon so that we can see the other player moving around but cant see [the dmg they produce and the rank that we get after killing a boss]?
I wont feel weak if i dont know someone is stronger than me (points at head meme)

Does the shinobi add on still works?

I haven’t personally looked at FPS Savior, but I can see about it. I’m still a novice with addons, just putting technical background to use. I’m also swamped with midterms this week, so I won’t be able to toy with addons until next week.

