Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (October 25th ,2016)-Telsiai, Varena

Greetings Saviors!

The following is a list of blocked users and the reason they have been blocked.
If you feel that you have wrongly been banned, please report your case to us through the support page.

bot Tds**
bot bdxbw**
bot bgq3**
bot cqa2**
bot dlq6**
bot dtl3**
bot epu3**
bot fldm**
bot hger**
bot hyeh**
bot jwztq**
bot kghh**
bot kgzc**
bot kkvm**
bot kmzz**
bot kree**
bot kufx**
bot lnxg**
bot mgvz**
bot mqzd**
bot mwnfs**
bot njvve**
bot numf**
bot nvkw**
bot phhuu**
bot qrnz**
bot rcjne**
bot recz**
bot rgjs**
bot rjzu**
bot tdeb**
bot uhfr**
bot vtvp**
bot wddn**
bot yazya**
bot ygkgu**
bot zfhyu**
bot zhznf**
gold_seller ewfwewg**
gold_seller fgdsgvd**
gold_seller fghrtu**
gold_seller fsfdbvsd**
gold_seller ghfdgstr**
gold_seller reger**
gold_seller sdfgrt**
gold_seller vsdfvdsfgvw**

bot Diannappo**
bot Diannappo**
bot Diannappo**
bot Dn**
bot bvrtw**
gold_seller fgdhgrth**
gold_seller fgvsdfvgsd**
gold_seller jhglbjh**
gold_seller sdfgrsdther**
gold_seller vdsfvgbs**
gold_seller vsdfvgs**

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

IMC Staff