Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (January 19th ,2017)-Klaipeda, Orsha, Silute

Greetings Saviors!

The following is a list of blocked users and the reason they have been blocked.
If you feel that you have wrongly been banned, please report your case to us through the support page.

bot Jona1thanor**
bot Jona1thanore**
bot Jonathanore**
gold_seller Rooakgt**
gold_seller bnc**
gold_seller cvbndty**
gold_seller dfdgfgr**
gold_seller dfghrtg**
gold_seller fdhsdhnsd**
gold_seller fgbs**
gold_seller fghrt**
gold_seller fghser**
gold_seller ftedhfdhfdhdf**
gold_seller gfjjfgj**
gold_seller gjdrt**
gold_seller gse**
gold_seller ndsr**
gold_seller sdfsdf**
gold_seller sdfvs**
gold_seller ujgfk**
gold_seller vbmf**
gold_seller vcsdvas**
gold_seller xdfhsdr**
gold_seller yteyery**

gold_seller TRaop**

bot Gouc**
bot Yuj**

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

IMC Staff